Marans Chicken Club USA
Ratified by the Board of Directors on May 28, 2009
Article I – Name
This organization shall be known as the Marans Chicken Club USA.
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of this club is to encourage the continued improvement of Marans through breeding for quality birds, exhibition and education. The club will promote breeding in accordance to the American Poultry Association guidelines as outlined by the Standard of Perfection.
Article III – Membership
Any person with a sincere interest in the purpose of the Marans Chicken Club USA may become a member upon payment of the annual dues. The club shall not deny membership based on race, religion, gender or political affiliation. No member shall receive payment for services rendered to the club. A member may be expelled by a majority vote of the board of directors for acts deemed harmful to the Marans breed and/or the club.
Article IV – Dues
Annual dues shall be set by the board of directors and shall be payable on January 1st for each calendar year.
Article V – Organization
Section 1. The board of directors shall be comprised of the officers and regional directors. They shall consist of the following:
* President
* Vice President – Public Relations/Education
* Vice President – Poultry Shows
* Vice President – Egg Shows
(Note: The 1st Vice President shall be elected by the board of directors from the three elected Vice Presidents.)
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Six Regional Directors
Note: Each Regional Director shall represent ten states or all of Canada. (See map)
Section 2. The board of directors shall be elected to two year terms by the membership in a secret ballot election. Any member of the board of directors can be a candidate for re-election.
Section 3. Vacancies on the board of directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the board of directors until the next elections.
Section 4. Elections shall be held in even numbered years and during the month of November. The newly elected board of directors shall take office January 1 following the election.
Out-going officers shall turn over all club property to their successor by January 1 following the election.
Article VI – Regions
Section 1. The United States shall be divided into five regions, each having a regional director nominated and elected by the full membership of the club. Canada will have one director for its entirety. Regional directors shall serve as members of the board of directors of the club.
Section 2. The board of directors by majority vote may increase, decrease or rearrange the number of regions as they deem necessary.
Section 3. Citizens of the U.S.A. and other countries are eligible for club membership.
Article VII - Rule of Governance
The club shall use Roberts’ Rules of Order in the carrying out of all meetings and club business.
Article VIII – Dissolution of the Club
In the event of the dissolution of the club, all club assets will be turned over to the APA and/or other non-profit organizations of like kind. The exact distribution of assets shall be determined by majority vote of the board.
Regional Map
Article I – President
The president shall assume the duties of chairman of the board of directors. He or she shall be responsible for the execution of the constitution & bylaws and shall receive and process all proposals for their action.
The president shall preside at all meetings, call special meetings if requested by the majority of the board and appoint an election commissioner and committee for the biennial election – with the approval of the board.
He or she shall endeavor to see that all board members and committee chairs properly discharge their duties, take an active part in club business and activities as deemed necessary for the betterment of the club. The president shall have access to all monetary accounts of the club.
Article II – Vice President(s)
Section 1.
The 1st vice president shall be elected by the board of directors from the three vice presidents elected by the membership. He or she shall assist the president with their duties and conduct club meetings at the president’s request or absence.
Section 2.
a) A vice president will serve as the club’s public relations/education chair and direct said club activities.
b) A vice president will serve as the club’s poultry show chair and direct said club activities. They shall process all requests for special meets at the poultry shows to ensure the completion of the proper paper work, reports and awards.
c) A vice president will serve as the club’s egg show chair and direct said club activities.
Article III- Secretary
The secretary shall take minutes at meetings of the board of directors and of the club. They shall provide a typed copy of said minutes to the board of directors within ten days following the meeting. They shall conduct club correspondence on behalf of the club. They shall prepare an annual report for the club’s annual meet. They shall surrender all files, monies and other club property to the new club secretary at the expiration of their term in office. In addition, they shall process all membership applications and provide the board with a proper membership roster.
Article IV-Treasurer
The treasurer shall have access to all monetary accounts of the club. They shall collect and receive all monies due the club, pay club fees and bills and keep an accurate record of all transactions. They shall prepare a monthly financial report and provide a typed copy for all board
members. The treasurer shall prepare an annual report for the annual meeting of the club. They shall surrender all files, monies and other club property to the new club treasurer at the expiration or termination of their term of office. For the protection of the club, they shall be bonded annually.
Article V-Regional Directors
The regional directors shall be responsible for actively promoting the club and its activities, including the placing of annual regional, state and special meets within their regions. They shall also represent the club and assist in planning and carrying out details for the national meet when held in their region. Each regional director shall serve as an officer on the board of directors, have a vote in determining club policy, assist with coordinating club meets within their region, and take an active part in the recruitment of new members.
Article VI-Board of Directors
The board of directors shall control the affairs of the club at all times and remove from office any officer, upon majority vote of the board, for misconduct or failure to adequately perform the duties of his or her office.
Article VII-Election Commissioner & Committee
The election commissioner & committee shall be elected by the board of directors by August 1st prior to biennial elections in even numbered years. They shall conduct a secret ballot election for all offices up for election. The committee shall tally the ballots and forward the results to the club secretary. Following the results of the elections the ballots shall be sealed and turned over to the club secretary. The sealed ballots must be kept for a period of no less than 90 days in the event there is a challenge to the results.
Article VIII-Club Meetings
An annual meeting shall take place each year in conjunction with the national meet whenever feasible.
Article IX – Election of Officers
Any paid member in good standing may send in a nomination for candidates for the various offices. All nominees must be members of the Marans Chicken Club USA at the time of nomination. Officers shall be elected every two years by means of a mail in ballot sent to each member, or an e-ballot. Such ballots shall be mailed by the election commissioner. All ballots must be marked and returned within ten days after receipt of the same directly to the election
commissioner. The election shall be completed and the new officers declared by mid-December and the new officers shall assume office on January 1 following the election.
Article X – Club Meets
The Marans Chicken Club USA shall hold an annual national meet to be set by the board of directors. Site of the national meet shall be determined by a majority vote of the board of directors. The placing of the annual district meet shall be the prerogative of the regional director, who shall assume responsibility for its planning and execution and who shall coordinate these activities with the vice president in charge of poultry shows and the club secretary.
The regional director shall be responsible for a detailed report of results and awards to be sent to the vice president in charge of poultry shows promptly at the termination of the meet. Annual state meets and special meets shall be placed by the regional director at the request of any member and coordinated with the vice president in charge of poultry shows. Members requesting such meets shall assume the responsibilities as outlined for regional directors if the director is not in attendance.
Article XI- Interpretation
In all cases of dispute arising from interpretation of the Constitution & Bylaws of the Marans Chicken Club-USA, and on all other matters not covered herein, a majority vote of the board of directors shall decide the issue.
Such decisions shall be declared final.
Article XII-Amendments
Any proposal to amend or alter the Constitution & Bylaws of the Marans Chicken Club-USA shall be submitted to the secretary in writing. He or she will in turn notify the president and submit the proposal to the board of directors who will decide by majority vote whether to place the proposal before the membership for a vote.
Proposals passed favorably by the board of directors shall be included on the ballot with the biennial election of officers to be voted upon by the membership at large. If adopted by a two thirds vote of the voting members the amendment shall be made effective on January 1st following the election. The new amendment shall be mailed to each member as a supplemental to the constitution & bylaws of the club.
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