TVPC Dixie Classic, Knoxville, TN
December 1, 2018
Judge: Ben Porter
65 Marans Shown
7 Varieties
7 Exhibitors
Reserve Continental - Beverly Robertson, Wheaten Pullet
Best of Breed - Beverly Robertson, Wheaten Pullet
Reserve of Breed - Sandy Siegfried, Wheaten Pullet
Hens: 4
1st, BV - Beverly Robertson
2nd Denise and Gerald Jones
3rd Denise and Gerald Jones
4th Sandy Siegfried
Pullets: 5
1st, RV - Beverly Robertson
2nd Beverly Robertson
3rd Sandy Siegfried
4th Beverly Robertson
5th Sandy Siegfried
Cockerels: 1
1st Denise and Gerald Jones
Hens: 2
1st Beverly Robertson
2nd Sandy Siegfried
Pullets: 7
1st, Res Continental, BB, BV - Beverly Robertson
2nd, RB, RV - Sandy Siegfried
3rd - Sandy Siegfried
4th Beverly Robertson
5th Denise and Gerald Jones
Pullets: 1
1st, BV - Denise and Gerald Jones
Cocks: 7
1st - Fernando delAguila
2nd - Fernando delAguila
3rd - Sandy Siegfried
4th - Denise and Gerald Jones
5th - Denise and Gerald Jones
Cockerels: 9
1st - Beverly Robertson
2nd - Fernando delAguila
3rd - Denise and Gerald Jones
4th - Sandy Siegfried
5th - Randal Neeley
Hens: 9
1st, BV - Beverly Robertson
2nd - Sandy Siegfried
3rd - Fernando delAguila
4th - Fernando delAguila
5th - Denise Jones
Pullets: 10
1st - Fernando delAguila
2nd - Beverly Robertson
3rd - Beverly Robertson
4th - Fernando delAguila
5th - Fernando delAguila
Old Trio: 1
Beverly Robertson
Young Trio: 1
Sandy Siegfried
Cocks: 1
1st - Neil Mastenbrook
Pullets: 4
1st, BV - Neil Mastenbrook
2nd, RV - Neil Mastenbrook
3rd - Sandy Siegfried
4th - Neil Mastenbrook
Cockerels: 2
1st, BV - Denise and Gerald Jones
2nd - Denise and Gerald Jones
Pullets: 1
1st, RV - Denise and Gerald Jones
Pullets: 2
1st, BV - Katie Penland
2nd, RV - Katie Penland
This was a fabulous show!!! Thank you to Tennessee Valley Poultry Club, Dixie Classic for always hosting a great show and Harry House for going above and beyond to make MCCUSA feel like family!!! We felt privileged to be able to hold our Nationals with you!!! Thank you to Ben Porter for judging and sharing his knowledge of Marans!!! A huge congratulations to all winners and exhibitors!!! We appreciate you all!!!
What a wonderful Junior showing of Marans at our MCCUSA Nationals in Knoxville Tennessee at the Dixie Classic on Saturday, 12/01/18!!!
A great win in Juniors by one of our new Jr Members, Cade Smith with his Wheaten Pullet!!! Best Continental, BB, BV, 1st
Another one of our Juniors also had a great win!!!
Jack Cushenberry with his Blue Wheaten hen!!! Reserve of Breed, BV, 1st
Judge: Ben Porter
Total Marans shown in Juniors: 4
Total Varieties: 3
Total Exhibitors: 2
Wheatens: 2
Cock: 1
•Cade Smith- RV
Pullet: 1
•Cade Smith- Best Continental, BB, BV, 1st
Black Copper: 1
Pullet: 1
•Jack Cushenberry- BV
Blue Wheaten: 1
•Jack Cushenberry- Reserve of Breed, BV, 1st
Congratulations to all Juniors who won and exhibited!!! All of us here at MCCUSA are so very proud of you!!! Keep up the Great work!!!
MCCUSA National Egg Show Results – TVPC Dixie Classic, Knoxville, TN
December 1, 2018
32 entries
Judge: Ben Porter
Overall Winners
1st - Bev Davis, Blue
2nd - Beverly Robertson, Black
3rd - Denise Jones, Black Copper
People's Choice - Denise Jones, Crele
Black Copper
1st - Denise Jones
2nd - Sara Knight
3rd - Denise Jones
4th - Sara Knight
Blue Copper
1st - Sandy Siegfried
2nd - Beverly Robertson
3rd - Donna Prahl
Splash Copper
1st – Denise Jones
1st - Beverly Robertson
2nd - Donna Prahl
3rd - Beverly Robertson
4th - Fernando & Elena delAguila
5th - Bev Davis
6th - Bev Davis
7th - Bev Davis
8th - Sandy Siegfried
1st - Bev Davis
2nd - Bev Davis
3rd - Sandy Siegfried
4th - Beverly Robertson
5th – Bev Davis
1st - Denise Jones
1st - Donna Prahl
2nd - Eddie & Shelby Smith
Blue Wheaten
1st - Karen Perry
2nd - Karen Perry
1st - Karen Perry
Black Silver
1st - Karen Perry
Blue Silver
1st - Karen Perry
Golden Salmon
1st - Denise Jones
1st - Denise Jones
Silver Crele
1st - Bev Davis
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all who entered their beautiful Marans eggs! Also, a special thanks to the Tennessee Valley Poultry Club for hosting such a well organized, fun show and to Ben Porter for judging our Marans eggs!
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